
Saturday, April 11, 2015

J is for Jackalope

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

Legend has it that this rare Wyoming creature is a cross between a pygmy-deer and a species of killer rabbit. They weigh between three and five pounds, and move with lighting speeds of up to 90 miles per hour. They are vicious when attacked and use their antlers to fight, thus they are sometimes called the "warrior rabbit." At least that's what they say.

Do you know of any legends or tall tales in your home state?


  1. Funny, we are totally on the same page! I highlighted a New Jersey legend today too.

    When I first met The Husband he had me half-convinced that jackalopes were real. Now I know better and I feel like a giant jack-a** for believing him. Ha.

    1. Jaybird, I know what you mean. When I first heard of them I thought they were real, too. At least I had considered the possibility. Lesson learned. LOL

  2. I wouldn't like to meet one of those on a dark night:-)
    Have fun with your A to Z
    martine@ silencing the bell

    1. Martine: Neither would I. Somebody should make a horror movie about these creatures. The giant killer rabbits! Godzilla, watch out!

  3. Hi, Luana,

    Here in Jamaica we have tales of a rolling calf, which is a bull with red eyes that appears at night. You can usually hear him coming because of his rattling chain and of course, there are those scary eyes.

    1. J.L. The rolling calf. That is scary and totally creepy. Especially the red eyes and rattling chain. Yikes!

  4. I can't hear about these without remembering those terrible videos from the old "America's Funniest People" shows with Dave Coulier.

  5. My state's MA; we've got the Dover Demon. It's a small humanoid creature, with long fingers and fiery eyes, spotted back in 1977 by 3 different teenagers...when asked to draw it, they all managed to draw the same monster...and thus a legend was born.

    @Get Lost in Lit

    1. I love this story! Funny how legends are born.

  6. wow! I feel like a student of yours! You are always teaching me new things :) Never once even heard of this. Kinda cute though don't you think?

    1. Sytiva, they are kind of cute in a creepy sort of way.

  7. The Jackalope is a favorite of my son's because it's the mascot of The Odd Squad (PBS kids show). I don't know any legends like that about Indiana. We seem to be lacking in some good tall tales!

    1. Christine, I've never seen that show. I'll have to look it up.

  8. When I clicked on your blog today, I started to laugh. When the A to Z challenge began, I wondered if you might mention the Jackalope! What a fun legend.

    I lived in Washington State for several years, with the legend of Big Foot.

  9. You had me going for a minute there! I'm hoping to one day be North Carolina's legendary creature.

    1. Craig, LOL yeah it's a joke around here and they don't tell you it's not real.

  10. Hello, Luana. I don't believe I've ever heard of, let alone seen, a Jackalope before. Glad to see you're taking part in the #AtoZChallenge, and having fun too by the looks of it. Keep up the good work.

    P.S: I hope you don't mind, but I have just nominated you for the Liebster Award:

    1. Michael, thank you for the Liebster Award! So excited!

  11. Yes, I know many relating to my home county of Shropshire, all fascinating and many a tempting subject for my next children's book. At first glance I did think it was a rabbit :0)

    1. Carole, that would be a great subject for a children's book.

  12. From where I come from, Nessie is our weird animal legend. Loch Ness Monster is a mythical lake monster...some people actually claim to have pictures of this creature.

    Enjoy the rest of the challenge.

    1. I've heard of stories of the Loch Ness Monster. There are even films about it. A very popular legend.
