
Monday, April 13, 2015

K is for Keyhole State Park

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

Keyhole State Park is between Sundance and Moorcroft on the edge of the Black Hills. Back in the summer of 1976, Hubby, my brother and I drove up for a weekend. I was eight months pregnant at the time. Didn't realize it would be an issue until the men went off fishing and I was alone in the tent. While they were gone, it began to rain and the wind blew the tent poles down. I was standing in the middle of the tent, holding it up, until they returned, hours later. I was not a happy camper. 

What was your worst camping trip?


  1. That sounds like a nightmare camping trip for sure. Yikes. The photos of the park are so beautiful though!

    1. Julie, I wish we had gone when I wasn't in "the family way." Oh, well.

  2. Wow - gorgeous place - but not fun with a collapsed tent in a storm. My worst camping experience involved a storm too - well, a tornado. My parents had a camper permanently set up at a lake 40 minutes or so from home. We heard on the radio a tornado was tearing up a town about 10 miles from us. The main road out would have taken us toward the twister - so we had plans to get down in a big ditch if it came toward us. It didn't, thank goodness, but it was a nerve wracking couple of hours.

    1. Craig, wow! Tornados are scary. We had a big one here in Cheyenne back in 1979. It leveled my parents' house. Then they moved to tornado alley in Oklahoma. Go figure.

  3. Boy Scout camp when I was about 12 years old and fell into the lake in February was pretty damn terrible. And they wouldn't even let me go home!

    1. C.D. - OUCH that would be cold! If it was in Wyoming in February, the lake would be frozen over.

  4. I pretty much highlighted one of my worst camping experiences as my letter J post. But I am never a "happy" camper. It's just not my thing. I can't imagine going camping while 8 months preggers though!! You are a brave woman.

    1. Jaybird. Yeah, I have to psyche up for a camping trip. The worst part is loading and unloading the car. The second worst part is sleeping in the freezing cold. Night in the Rockies is cold, even in the summer.

  5. Worst trip? In the African bush left on my own. Saw a head pop up above a rock - a monitor lizard. Threw a stone to discourage it, another head popped up. They charged. I managed to get into the camper and shut the door before they ate me.... was surprised at how fast they could move.... :0)

  6. We had a terrible night at one of the most beautiful campsites on earth. It rained so hard the tent couldn't keep the water out and we ended up having to sleep in the back of the station wagon instead.

  7. There was that time the First Husband and I were camping the desert and the wind blew all night. I actually hoped the wind would blow our tent off of us so we could retire to the car. But, that wasn't really a good idea since our bodies was what kept the tent from blowing away.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder
    Take 25 to Hollister

    1. Su-sieee! We have the wind in Wyoming, too. It's brutal, let me tell you.

  8. Worst camping trip. We camped in a crowded state park (Washington). As we sat down to the picnic table I realized, "Danggit! I forgot the ketchup!" Someone from the adjoining site responded, "You can borrow ours." That's when we stopped camping in crowded areas.

    1. Trudy, so funny. Well, at least you got some ketchup.
