
Friday, April 10, 2015

I is for Indian Paintbrush

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

Indian Paintbrush is the Wyoming State Flower. Did you know that these flowers are edible and were eaten by Native American tribes? So if you want to jazz up your salad, pick up a passel of Indian Paintbrush. These wildflowers bloom from April to September and are found in mountain meadows, stream banks, open woods and along the side of the road.

What's your state flower?


  1. I like to look at them - but I'm not sure I'd want to eat them. I wonder what Vurson Fouch would think of them? (Obscure movie reference there...)

  2. Craig, I wouldn't want to eat them either. At least not in large quantities. LOL Vurson reference...

  3. They're quite beautiful, but I'm not sure about eating them. But then, zucchini blossoms are delicious and nasturtiums are very nice in salads, so why not?

    1. Kate, I've heard of people eating dandelions and pansies.

  4. The California Poppy is the flower for my state. It would look nice right next to the Indian Paintbrush. I wonder how your state flower tastes.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder
    Take 25 to Hollister

    1. Oh I love poppies. They are my favorite flower. When we lived in California we had some in our garden.

  5. I didn't know Indian Paintbrush was edible. It would look pretty in a salad, huh?

  6. I live in Texas and our Indian Paintbrushes and Bluebonnets just came out last week. They are everywhere! Best wishes on your A-Z journey.
