
Thursday, April 9, 2015

H is for Horse

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

Horses are to Wyoming as stars are to space. Abundant and beautiful. When you cross the state line, it won't take long until you spy a horse - running through a field, standing in a barn, feeding in a pasture, or saddled up for a trail ride. Wyoming has wild horses, too. They are found in various locations in the state. Get your camera ready.

Have you ever ridden a horse?


  1. I use to go horseback riding a lot in high school since I had a friend who had horses. I miss it even though the last time I rode a horse I fell off! :) Good luck with the Challenge.

    Visiting from Untethered Realms

    1. Christine: my granddaughter rides. She's 10 and has been riding since she was six. I've only ridden a few times as an adult. But I love horses for their beauty and powers.

  2. Just beautiful creatures. These pictures and your posts are making me want to visit Wyoming.

    1. Jaybird, I agree, they are magnificent. Yes, come to Wyoming and see everything up close and personal.

  3. I used to love riding but haven't done so in years. Horses are magnificent creatures!
    Thanks for stopping by the UR blog today. :)
    River Fairchild – A to Z April Challenge
    Untethered Realms

    1. Hello, River! Thanks for stopping by! Happy blogging!

  4. Yes a few times I have been able to ride. Once may years ago I had the privilege of riding ponies on a beach in Hawaii, a treasured memory. Thanks for stopping by to say hello during the challenge. Enjoyed my visit here. Maria

    1. Maria: I've never been to Hawaii. That would be wonderful to ride horses on a beach!

  5. Love horses, I am a little afraid but not for long.

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

    1. Jeremy: I'm afraid, too, but I figure of Clint Eastwood can do it...

  6. Replies
    1. They are pretty awesome. You have drive far to see them. I've only seen them once or twice. There are videos on youtube.

  7. Horses are such gorgeous animals! I'd love to see them in the wild.
    I rode a horse once as a child and was scared to death but I've always wanted to try again and learn to ride. Someday maybe.

    1. Julie: The first time I rode a horse was as an adult when our daughter was in Girl Scouts. The girls had a horseback riding activity and I went along for the ride. No pun intended. A while later, there were horse stables here in Cheyenne and I took the kids riding. That was about it.

  8. Wow, that's beautiful! My mom always say something about the pass every time we see a horse. She loves horses.

    1. Lorena, they are beautiful. I like looking at horses no matter whether wild or tame.

    2. Lorena, the horses are stunning. I'm always amazed at their beauty and power.

  9. Wow, that's beautiful! My mom always say something about the pass every time we see a horse. She loves horses.

  10. I've been horseback riding, and I think horses are magnificent, but I have to admit, they intimidate me.

    A friend of mine used to rope calves in the rodeo and I still recall how the muscles of his horse used to quiver in anticipation as it waited to be released from the gate. Beautiful animal.

    1. Trudy, yes they can be dangerous. My granddaughter rides them and she's only 10. She's learning to canter now. I don't want to think about her galloping! Images of Bonnie Blue Butler pop into my head.
