
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

G is for Grouse

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

Wyoming is home to more sage grouse than any other state. If you want to see sage grouse in Wyoming, you have to get up while it's still dark, drive out to grouse country, and wait for first light. That's when grouse are on the move. Like most bird species, the grouse hen has plain plumage that serves as camouflage to protect her young. The males are the Preeners and the Prancers.I call them Dancers of the Dawn.

What would inspire you to rise at the crack of dawn?


  1. I would never grouse about a post about grouse! (heh heh). I used to get up before the dawn to go coordinate actors and actresses through makeup hair and wardrobe in the movie industry. I usually stay up later than I intend to nearly daily these days and consequently wouldn't want to get up at the crack of dawn for anything...

    1. Craig, LOL! Movie-making is for early risers, that's true. And for photographers, too.

  2. The Dancers of the Dawn - how cute. It's funny that the males are the preeners in so many bird species. These guys reminds me of peacocks.

    1. Julie, yes, it's interesting. Years ago I saw a nature video of grouse and they were fascinating. Hubby hunts them sometimes, which is kind of sad.

  3. I am partial to all kinds of birds. And I am an early riser, so I would get up and check out these Dancers of the Dawn. I might even do a little dance or two with them. :)

    1. Julie, yeah, dancing at dawn sounds like fun.

  4. Grouse are so beautiful. It's a shame people enjoy hunting them so much.

  5. Kate: Yes, they are amazing creatures.

  6. I had to google the difference between grouse and quail, because when I read the title for your post, I was totally picture quail in my head, then I saw the pictures and realized grouse are different. I learned something new!

    I'm an early riser. I love the early morning hours. Crazy, huh?

  7. Trudy, I love it when I learn something new! Early riser? Me too. I have the most energy and am most inspired In the early morning hours.
