
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

F is for Flaming Gorge

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

We've made a couple of trips to Flaming Gorge over the years. We don't go often because it's quite a drive from Cheyenne. But it's on my radar now that Hubby is retired. I can guarantee we will be taking this trip very soon. Flaming Gorge is named for its flaming red rocks and sandstone cliffs. The terrain is breathtaking. There is no place else like Flaming Gorge. It's a great place for boating, camping, hiking and exploring. But Hubby and I go for the fishing. The lake is home to most trout species like lake, rainbow, brown, as well as Kokanee salmon, bass, carp and channel catfish. I'm hoping to hook a trophy fish and see a photo of me with my prize fish on the wall of one of the Flaming Gorge tackle shops.

What's the most beautiful place in nature you've ever seen?


  1. Simply breathtaking is right!! Gorgeous pictures. Good luck with the fishing I hope you catch a big one.

    1. Thanks jaybird. We enjoy fishing when the weather is nice. We have some local fishing spots not far from Cheyenne. People even fish in Sloan's Lake at one of our city parks.

  2. I want to go to Flaming Gorge. I bet if I tell my husband about the great fishing, it will immediately move up the want-to-go-there list.

    1. Trudy, fishing is fun! Hope you can visit some time.

  3. I came to your blog because of its title. We moved to the Denver area three years ago. I haven't yet been to Wyoming, but I want to go. Your blog makes it even more enticing.

    1. Claudia, Thanks for stopping by. Denver's not that far. It would be a great day trip or long weekend.

  4. Wow - that place is spectacular! I'd love to see it someday! Hawaii wins again for most beautiful place in nature.

    1. Craig, I have never been to Hawaii but it is on my bucket list.

  5. These are beautiful! I have never been west of Buffalo, NY...I need to fix that!

    1. Andrea, I've never been to New York, but I have been to Boston and Pennsylvania. Such wonderful historic and beautiful places.
