
Monday, April 6, 2015

E is for Elk

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

One summer, Hubby and I were hiking at Trail Creek, just a couple of hours from Cheyenne. We'd never been there before, so we donned our "explorer" hats, ready for anything. As we followed the creek up the mountain, I looked toward the south, down into a valley. There below us was a herd of elk - about about 20 of them - females and their young, along with a huge buck. They were gathered by a placid stream near green grasses and lush trees, just having a good old time. We were up high and down-wind from them so they didn't smell our scent.  We watched them for several minutes and finally moved on. They never did notice us. I've lived in Wyoming most of my life and I've seen lone elk in the woods and in the mountains more times than I can count. But I'd never seen anything like this. It was magical.

What's the most breathtaking thing you've seen in nature?


  1. It sounds truly magical - wow. To see one creature is neat - to see a herd is super special. I guess I would say the flora and fauna on a family vacation to Hawaii as a senior in high school would be the most breathtaking for me.

  2. Craig, I've never been to Hawaii.I would love to see the black beaches.

  3. Nice experience you've had :). Loved watching birds fly in patterns like a dance right before a storm, one falls back and allows another to be the leader. They just know what they are doing! Think that tops it for most amazing thing I've seen in nature.

    1. Birds are beautiful. I always stand in wonder when they fly overhead.

  4. Hi, I am from Lisa's Live Wires checking in for the Blogging A to Z Challenge. The answer to your question is one certain sunset and one starry night.
    1) I was in college in the 90s and my roommate and I were driving back from the beach to college during the sunset. The colors were so beautiful, so vibrant one of us dropped the "f bomb" on how awesome it was and we pulled over on the highway to watch it.

    2) was a few weeks ago. I live near Boston so I don't see the stars much anymore. We have trees and ambient light everywhere and have been here three years. I was in PA watching my niece and went to take the dogs out around 10pm and looked up. "WOW" actually tumbled out of my mouth. I forgot how amazing the night sky is...and I'm happy to be moving back to MD this summer so I can look up every night and see our starry sky!

    1. Heather great to meet you. Sunsets and starry skies are breathtaking. Here in Wyoming we can see the stars. We have clear skies most of the time.

  5. I saw a sailboat sail through a rainbow touching the water in the Puget Sound. Breathtaking!

    1. Trudy,that must have been utterly MAGICAL! I love watching sail boats. I've been to Seattle and Boston and have lovely photos of the marinas and the sailboats on the bay.
