
Saturday, April 4, 2015

D is for Devils Tower

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

The first time I saw Devils Tower was on the movie "Close Encounter of the Third Kind." Many years later, Hubby and I decided to make the four-hour drive to Devils Tower for a long weekend. My first sight of the monument from the highway was mesmerizing. I thought about the people over the centuries who had seen this tower and how it is still standing, making its mark in history. As we neared the tower, my excitement grew. Hubby and I hiked around the base of the mountain, which looked so much more massive up close. Eagles circled the peak, watching over their young nested in the crevices. Of all the sites I've seen in Wyoming, Devils Tower is the most captivating. Now I know why Richard Dreyfuss was obsessed with Devils Tower to the point of recreating it in his mashed potatoes.

Has a movie ever inspired you to do something?


  1. GAH!! I remember that scene from Close Encounters. Scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. I had NO idea that Devil's Tower was in Wyoming!! You are really giving me quite the education. Thanks Luana!!

    1. Hi, jaybird! It's a pretty awesome place. If you ever come to Wyoming you've got to check it out.

  2. I've seen it in person and yes, it is just stunning. Such a unique formation.

    1. Alex, a real Wyoming land mark. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I thought it was a wild destination in the movie - and it looked good in masked potatoes. I've not seen it with my own eyes. Maybe one day...

    1. Craig, yeah ya gotta see in person. Quite breathtaking.

  4. Mother Nature makes some freaky artwork.

    The Crow inspired me to go around dressed in black and with creepy makeup when I was a teenager, does that count?

    1. C.D. Hilarious! Movies make me do strange things, too. I start talking like the actors, with accents and everything. Yo, Adrian!

  5. A fantastic edifice! And with eagles- there weren't any eagles in the mash potato version, and now I am wondering how to make an eagle from potato... I don't need much encouragement to try daft things. Can't really blame films!

    1. Lisa, mashed potatoes are a great medium for sculpture. I must try it sometime.

  6. I always liked that movie and have never really thought about the mountain as a real place.

    Passing as part of my A to Z duties, I hope you are enjoying it and have a great time getting to Z

    Rob Z Tobor

  7. No, but we have been to Will and Lyra's bench in the botanic gardens in Oxford ... from Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials books.

    1. Martine: I've never been there... but am planning a trip to London in the fall.

  8. Now I have that eerie song from the movie on my mind, thank you very much. hahaha
