
Friday, April 3, 2015

C is for Cowboy

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

When people think of Wyoming, they almost always picture rugged cowboys roping steers, branding cattle or riding into the sunset. I'm here to tell you, this is true. In Cheyenne, the one time of the year you see more cowboys than you can shake a stick at is during Cheyenne Frontier Days. For ten days in late July, there's a cowboy on every corner. They're getting ready for ten days of rodeo insanity. The rodeo is called "The Daddy of 'Em All." The Sunday before opening day, cowboys herd the steers that will be used in the rodeo. They start north of town and drive the herd to Frontier Park where the steers will be housed during the rodeo. Cowboys come to Cheyenne from all over America to ride bucking broncs and bulls. It's a dangerous job but somebody's got to do it.

Have you ever done something dangerous?


  1. I bet that would be a fun event to go to. For some reason, I love watching bull riding. I think it's the challenge the riders have to stay on.

    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. Patricia: It's wild and crazy. So dangerous. I'm just glad my kids aren't bull riders.

  2. I think I'd rather just watch! We went to several rodeos when I lived in Arizona.
    New follower!

    1. Alex, thanks for stopping by. I visited Tuscon back in 1985. Hubby was at the Air Force Base there for training. I loved the area! I had lived in New Mexico in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

  3. I'd love to see something like that one day.

    I don't think I've ever done anything dangerous on purpose. Except maybe driving around in a car. ;-)

    1. Misha, absolutely! Driving definitely qualifies!

  4. I've done a lot of stupid things that turned out to be dangerous, but nothing on purpose! Ha.

    I think I'd like to see that many cowboys all in one place. Good times.

    1. Jaybird: On purpose is the key. But sometimes if we think things through before we do them, we might not do anything. There's something to be said for adventure.

  5. I think probably the most dangerous thing I have done is White Water Rafting on the Ottawa River. It was terrifying and exhilirating and I will never do it again. It's on my bucket list to visit Montana or Wyoming.

    1. IntrepidReader: That sounds exciting! The closest I've ever gotten to white water rafting was watching "Deliverance."

  6. I won't be original - a roller coaster (not the one too high though), and every single time I have to travel by plane... phew.

    1. Emilla: You are braver than I. Roller coasters and Ferris wheels scare me! I'm not a fan of "going fast." Although I'm not afraid to fly. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I have done dumb things that wound up being dangerous, but I am no thrill seeker. But I don't mind watching folks be brave. :-) I live an hour from Cheyenne and have only driven through. I'm going to have to make a point of visiting someday!

    1. Bertie: That's awesome. So close! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  8. I didn't do all the items on my honeydew list once. That was dangerous indeed! I have become a big Western movie fan so I seem to be watching cowboys on a regular basis. Movie cowboys, that is.

    1. Craig, I love the westerns, too. My faves are the Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns. And High Plains Drifter (paint the town red)!

  9. Ah, cowboys. I grew up around them, too. My brother used to ride bulls and did the rodeo circuit. I love to visit him at his ranch in Idaho and listen to him recite cowboy poetry. Far less dangerous.

    1. Trudy: Poetry over bullriding...yes, better choice.
