
Thursday, April 2, 2015

B is for Buffalo

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

In Wyoming, the buffalo (American Bison) is highly revered and is a proud symbol on the Wyoming State Flag:


Here in Cheyenne, Terry Bison Ranch is home to a small herd. The ranch provides a train ride through the prairie where you can see these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.  I discovered an interesting fact about buffalo. When a winter storm comes, they travel toward the wind, facing the storm head on. I think we can learn a lesson from the buffalo. When the storms of life come, we are tempted to seek shelter, protect ourselves and play it safe. But maybe we should face life's difficulties head on, with courage and perseverance, like the buffalo.

Have you ever learned anything from an animal?


  1. Wow it must be a sight to see them by train like it must have looked in the old west.

    1. Misha, I am always amazed at seeing buffalo. They are truly majestic creatures. It's hard to imagine theye been around for centuries on the Great Plains.

  2. Oh, I know I am going to love your theme. I have never been to Wyoming but I just love the West and dream of one day driving through all of it. Looking forward to learning more about Wyoming and seeing what I know will be gorgeous pics!
    Thanks so much for coming by my blog, it's so great to meet you.

    1. Julie:I'm thrilled to share my home state on the blogging challenge. Wyoming is a wonderful and beautiful place.

  3. I couldn't wait to stop by and check out what you are highlighting from Wyoming since I literally know nothing about that state. I'm excited to see what you have in store for us.

    As for today's post, I think we can all learn a lot from animals and their behavior, for sure.

    Great post!

    1. Animals are excellent teachers. Thanks for stopping by, jaybird! (Love that moniker, by the way!)

  4. There's a few buffalo farms in Michigan. I've had buffalo burgers too. They are tastie.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. Patricia: I've had a buffalo burger, too. Very distinctive flavor. Not bad.

  5. Luana, that buffalo in the pic looks truly scary! As for your question, I'd say that dogs (I have two), are great at modelling absolute, unconditional acceptance...most of the time.

    1. Greenpatches, I agree. Dogs are man's best friend for sure.

  6. I got to see buffalo way back in the day biking from our campsite along old back roads to my grandma's. I thought they were totally extinct and truly didn't believe my eyes.

    1. Craig, I know, right? Reading about the slaughters, I am surprised they are still around.

  7. Replies
    1. Hi, Mary. They truly are! Thanks for stopping by.

  8. That it is interesting about buffalo facing into the storm. But, speaking of buffalo… what is the significance of your blog title? Skating Buffalo.

    1. Trudy: Glad you asked. I have a film production company called Skating Buffalo. The name was inspired by the Roger Miller song, You Can't Roller Skate in a Buffalo Herd. I grew up listening to this song and loved it. I wanted a name that was quirky and also Western, as I am from Wyoming. The image of buffalo skating really stuck with me and Skating Buffalo was born.

    2. I had forgotten about that song and those lyrics! :-)

  9. Don't cows put there butt against the wind? Never knew buffalos face the wind. So when they are all scattered in every direction I guess you can say thats a pretty nice day.Ok you just taught me something valuable for painting. thank you :)

    1. Sytiva, I thought it was a fascinating fact as well. Now when it storms and I happen to see a buffalo, I watch to see them face the wind.

  10. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge - where I am part of the A to Z Ambassador Team! (I'm a minion/volunteer under Arlee.)
    Great post. I'm looking forward to more. Let me know if I can help you in any blogging way this month. I've followed you on your listed social media sites.
    I love this. Yes, I have learned a great deal from animals. Far more than would be appropriate to stick in a comment. (A book, maybe. Or three. LOL.)

    1. Hi, J! Thanks for following! I'm really enjoying the challenge, meeting new people and reading some interesting blogs.
