
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A is for Antelope

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

Near my hometown of Cheyenne, Antelope roam pretty much everywhere. In fact, on the grounds of F.E. Warren Air Force Base, they have no fear of man. They feed along the sides of the road and you can see them hanging out by the commissary, tennis courts, base housing - just about everywhere. When I run on the outdoor track, I'll often see a small herd of does and a large buck, standing apart, keeping watch over his harem. As I run the 1.5 loop, the buck has his eye on me. When I recall that antelope can run long distances of up to 60 miles an hour, my 11-minute mile pace seems insignificant.

Have you ever raced an animal?


  1. Wow! And here I am, a former New Yorker, getting excited when I see a deer! LOL Thanks for the blog visit today...sorry to hear about your pup Britt.

  2. Thanks for stopping by! Britt was 13 when she passed. We'd had her since she was a pup. Blessings!

  3. I'm afraid I'd do very poorly at racing any animal other than a turtle perhaps. I remember seeing a lot of antelopes when I used to travel through Wyoming every year.

    I've added myself to your followers now. Have a great A to Z April.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Arlee! Thanks for stopping by. Turtles are actually pretty fast. My granddaughter has one that should be names Speedy Gonzales!

  4. Wyoming! This should be informative, as I know nothing about Wyoming.

    I also know little about racing animals. I chased a squirrel once, but they're wily little buggers.

  5. C.D. I sometimes run with the rabbits in my neighborhood. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I raced a turtle, once. That is, I tried to catch up with him. The poor thing was (I thought) stranded on the tarmac and would be killed shortly if I didn't somehow get him to the stream that was across the way. So I pulled my car off the road, hurried over to him - and scuttled after him as he scuttled away at the speed of a good, fast walk. In fact, I chased him into that stream, which is just as well, since I might have been bitten if I hadn't been able to pick him up at the right spot where his neck would not have been able to reach my fingers. (Now I'm laughing at the memory... As I staggered back to my car, winded, someone leaned out and yelled, "Are you all RIGHT?)

  7. Diana, do funny! Love your turtle story!

  8. I didn't race it, but I saw a snail moving through a cluster of dried up snail shells, like a snail massacre had occurred. I thought, "If I was a snail, I would be running away from there." Then I realized, "Oh, maybe it is."

    I look forward to reading more about Wyoming A to Z!

  9. It is wonderful to be able to exercise outside and enjoy the beauty of nature around you.

    1. Val, you are right. It's a wonderful blessing.

  10. Born and raised in South Dakota, Wyoming was a nearby neighbor. I have been thru Cheyenne a couple times when I was younger, Wyoming is a beautiful state! I love herds of antelope! A few years ago my husband and I were attending a hot-air balloon fest early in the morning and as we left the lift-off grounds a small group of females and their big buck crossed the road directly in front of our car, it was a magical ending to a beautiful morning!

    1. Josie, how exciting to ride a hot air balloon! And yes, I am always mesmerized by herds of antelope on the plains. It brings me back to the days before this area was "civilized."

  11. I've never seen an antelope. It must be nice to be able to see them regularly.

    A Deecoded Life #AtoZchallenge

    1. Dee, they are impressive. I hope I never take them for granted.

  12. No, I have never raced an animal! Wyoming is an interesting theme :) I wish to visit there someday. Shall be back for more tomorrow.

    1. Aathira, thank you for stopping by. I'm so happy to meet you!

  13. I chased a monitor lizard right across the field - boy was he fast, his four legs frantically flapping everywhere!
    Dan Brown A-Z

  14. I love your photos! Good luck with the challenge!

  15. Wow! The A-Z has brought some good traffic your way! Great theme! I like hearing that nature can still thrive alongside us!

    1. Craig, yes. This blog needed a little boost. I'd just gotten lazy in posting this past year. Now I'm pretty psyched!
