
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

N is for Newspaper

Welcome to the 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge! 
 Memorable Movie Props

Psycho (1960)

John Anderson sells Janet Leigh a used car. But while at the car lot, she also purchases the L.A. Times which she uses to hide $40,000 in cash. Little did she know that the stolen money would be the least of her problems. 

What do you do with old newspapers? 


  1. I seldom buy them, but I definitely wouldn't wrap my stolen money in it and take it to an out-of-the-way motel...

    1. We have a subscription to our local to know what's going on in the community. I always read the comics and Dear Abby, too. We recycle so nothing is wasted. Comes in handy for stuffing boxes when sending packages in the mail. Also good for a backdrop for my canvas when painting. right, Craig. The absolute last place to hide stolen money.

  2. I completely forgot about this part of the movie, as many times as I've seen it. How completely correct in your comment that the stolen money was the least of her problems!

    1. This was the movie that gave me the idea for using movie props in my A to Z theme. The scene of the newspaper on the nightstand in the motel room says it all.

  3. I drag my mom's papers to the dump every week.
