
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

O is for Owl

Welcome to the 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge! 
 Memorable Movie Props

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)

When Daniel Radcliffe begins his first term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, he was given a messenger owl  that he named Hedwig for his 11th birthday present. The perfect gift for the young wizard-in-training. 

What's the coolest present you ever got for your birthday?   


  1. I adore Hedwig!!! I've gotten a lot of cool presents for my b-day but one that stands out is when I came home from school, turned on the livingroom light so that I could watch TV and literally yelled b/c a brand new, shiny red two wheel bike was parked in the middle of the floor. I was in 6th grade.

    1. Jojo: That is awesome. One of my best birthday presents was a yellow ten-speed bike for my 17th birthday and for high school graduation a Yamaha guitar!

  2. he sure is young
    the owl looks so stoic wonder what he is thinking
    "what's for dinner?"

    Happy A to Z

    1. Whoooo knows what goes on in an owl's head...LOL

  3. What was the coolest thing I received as a present?
    It wasn't an owl, enough said. =)

  4. All right - finally back in the saddle, mostly healed from my sprained ankle - and about to catch up my commenting!

    Hedwig rocks! I wonder how much of Hedwig onscreen is a real owl and how much is digital? I've not watched any of the behind the scenes stuff from the movies - maybe they do a spot on that?

    1. Craig: Interesting. Never thought of that but you're probably right about the digital manipulation. Neverthelss, Hedwig is awesome!
