
Monday, April 15, 2013

M is for Milk

Welcome to the 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge! 
 Memorable Movie Props

Inglorious Basterds (2009)

Christoph Waltz, a Nazi officer, drinks a glass of milk and politely interrogates Denis Menochet, a French dairy farmer, about hiding Jews. The glass of milk appears again in the story at a Paris restaurant when Christoph gently intimidates Melanie Laurent, a Jewish girl who escaped Denis's dairy farm. Got milk?

How do you like your milk?


  1. It must be cold and accompanying something sweet. Another great glass of milk in movies is the one in Suspicion.

    1. Craig: Absolutely...with chocolate cake!

      Ooh, will check out Suspicion, too. Shall I eat cake while I watch it?

  2. Great movie choice! As for milk - I used to be able drink it ice cold, now it needs to be vanilla Almond milk.

    Stopping by from A to Z...

  3. Hi, Jennifer: Actually, a few months ago I gave up meat and dairy, so almond milk is my milk of choice. I can't really drink it straight up though. Only for cooking or with my cereal.

  4. I'm not a huge fan of milk unless it's chocolate.

  5. I actually like to drink milk, though it's very rare when I do. I think your theme is great.

  6. Funny when you think of it, how milk is used in this film. Something so cruel,horrific and evil as the killing of the Jews paired with the wholesome image of a glass of milk, associated with home, children, bedtime, comfort and cookies. Clearly that prop was carefully thought out!

    1. Karen: You are so right. I'd never thought of that. Very interesting. I totally agree. Props can be very important in movies, as metaphors, to enhance character and to move the story forward.
