
Saturday, April 13, 2013

L is for Library Card

Welcome to the 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge! 
 Memorable Movie Props

All the President's Men (1976)

Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford are reporters investigating Watergate. If this were taking place today, they would have all the conveniences of modern technology to assist them in their search. As it is, they are at the mercy of telephone books and library cards.

How often do you go to the library?


  1. Just been this afternoon, tend to use the online search these days, but i fondly remember these file cards. thanks for sharing.

    1. Martine: I remember the file cards, too. Those were the days. But I do enjoy the modern technology. Love my Kindle!

  2. Three words: Dewey Decimal System! I would also nominate the library cards from Ghostbusters - but these are pretty awesome - imagine the work that went in to research back then!

    1. Craig: Ha ha...Ghostbusters! Yeah, I used to do research before the Internet...and yes, it was time consuming. Thank goodness for the world wide web.

  3. I went to the library a few months ago to print and fax some stuff, but to rent a book? Not so much...not since I was in high school.

    1. JoJo: I've been trying to save money and not buy books for my kindle so much. I'm glad the library has the books I want to read. And magazines too.

  4. I'm at the library every other week. At first glance I thought the cards were from Ghostbusters :) Then I looked down and saw the guys. It's so nice to see a movie fan doing the A-Z. There seem to be very few of us. :)

  5. Kathy: Movies are one of the things I can write about and never be at a loss for words. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Hello, Luana! It's so funny you posted about this because last weekend I saw this movie for my first time. I commented to my husband how offices probably don't have shelves of reference books like that anymore and how much different it is today for reporters to investigate stories. I go to the library to check out mostly fiction books. When I was in college I still used the library for research books, but most of my research was spent on the school's online literary journal database.

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

    1. Laura: I think that's why so many offices are so minimalist and streamlined. Less paper. This is one of my all time favorite movies.

  7. I am at the library at least twice a week. Once for me, once with the kids for the programs they have for toddlers. We love our library!

    Peanut Butter and Whine

    1. Connie: Our library has awesome programs for the whole family, from kids, to teens to seniors. It was also chosen as one of the ten best libraries in America! Yay, libraries!

  8. I wouldn't mind owning a card catalog cabinet or two...I probably go to the library once a month when I have a yen for something new to read or to request books through the interlibrary loan.

    I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can pick it up and read all about it at my blog, Don't be a Hippie. Here's the direct link: A Sweetheart of an Award

  9. Su: I'm really glad libraries are still part of the American landscape. They just have to keep up with the times. Thanks for the award! Woo Hoo!
