
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

S is for Sage

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

Sage is everywhere in Wyoming. It has a strong, distinctive aroma and has been used by Native Americans for purification and protection. It is said to cleanse the body and mind of negative spirits and is a remedy for physical, emotional, spiritual or mental imbalances. Sage is also used for cooking. My mom makes the best gravy in the world. Her secret ingredient is a dash of sage.

What's your favorite herb?


  1. Sage is so versatile. It's strong so a little bit goes a long way, but what a difference that little bit can mean to a recipe!!

  2. Jaybird, yes it does have a powerful aroma. In Wyoming, if you're out in the wilderness, the smell of stage is very strong.

  3. yeah... I do not think I can use it for cooking :) for me it will forever be the thing you rinse your mouth with when you have a tooth-ache :)

    1. Emilia, it's very strong in flavor so it must be used sparingly. I like it in turkey stuffing.

  4. I like just a hint of sage in stuffing, and sausage. If a recipe lists sage, I only use about 1/4 of the amount called for. Fresh sage, however, is a different story. I like entire leaves of the fresh stuff. :-)

    1. Trudy, it is a powerful herb. I like to experiment with it when cooking.

  5. I often put a touch of sage in my soups. Thanks for dropping in Under The Porch Light. Visiting here from A to Z.

    1. Delores, I've never tried sage in soups, but I think I'm going to do some experimenting.

  6. I like it when I run into it, but to tell the truth I don't think I actually have any in the cupboard.

  7. I most often eat it in sausage. Never seen it growing wild that I know of. I have smelled its scent many times.
