
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

R is for Railroad

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

The city of Cheyenne was first established in 1867 when the Union Pacific railroad was built. The Cheyenne Depot has a railroad museum and also houses offices for the Chamber of Commerce and other government entities. The beautiful plaza in front of the Depot has farmer's markets, live music, and other events during the year. It's also where the famous pancake breakfast is held during Cheyenne Frontier Days. My favorite part of the Depot is the magnificent clock tower. It reminds me of the movie "Back to the Future."

Does your town have a clock tower?


  1. No clock tower, though they did add a big ugly digital clock near the centre of town in later years.

    We don't even have railroads in my home province (Newfoundland) anymore. They were decommissioned in the late 1980s. Because it was still part of the British empire when it was built, the railroad in Newfoundland used the European gauge for tracks instead of the North American one. Therefore any train cars coming over from the mainland weren't compatible and it cost too much and was too difficult to convert, so eventually the railway was abandoned in favour of highway trucks. It's sad really, I remember only a handful of times as a small child actually getting to see or hear a train pass, which was a staple on the island (and the rest of the world, really) for a hundred+ years before.

    1. Interesting. I sometimes take our train station for granted. Not any more. It's history right before my eyes. I work right next to the Depot downtown and I see the trains coming back and forth every day.

  2. Wow! That is a fantastic train depot! And the community events held there sound fun. Does the farmer's market sell mainly produce, or handicrafts?

    1. Trudy, the farmer's market includes fresh produce from regional farmers from Wyoming and Colorado. And, yes. handicrafts are also sold, as well as fresh baked goods and grass-fed beef. In the summer we have Fridays on the Plaza, where regional bands perform and beer is sold. It's also near local shops as it's downtown. This is a free event, sponsored by the City of Cheyenne.

    2. Thanks to your post, I was more aware as I drove past our downtown area today and discovered there is a huge clock on top of our City Hall. Whad'ya know! I've only lived here 7 years. hahaha

  3. Trudy, so funny! That's the cool thing about clock towers. They are almost always downtown.

  4. What a wonderfully cool place! All clock towers remind me of Back to the Future!

    1. Craig, yes they are very cool. I'm always keeping my eye out for Doc Brown.
