
Friday, April 17, 2015

O is for Owen

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

Hubby and I have been fishing and camping at Lake Owen in the Medicine Bow National Forest for many years. There is nothing like eating fresh trout on a campfire and watching the majestic mountain near the lake, listening to the birds and, once in a while, watching a bear or elk wander into the campsite. Sadly, the notorious pine beetle has killed many of the lodgepole pines in the area. What was once a scenic paradise, is now in danger of being a desolate wasteland.

What is your favorite place in nature?


  1. Oh that's a shame because those pictures of the place are just lovely.

    1. Yes, it's still beautiful. The photos of the lake and of the aspen were taken last summer. The pine beetle doesn't eat aspen, only the pines. There are both on the mountain.

  2. Envy you your favourite place, sounds wonderful. My favourite place has to be on the island of Lanzarote. We have many lovely places in England, but it is the constant sunshine that draws me back to the island after our grey skies.

    1. Carole, I must look up this island online. Nothing like sunshine and beaches!

  3. Looks like a beautiful place. I have too many places I love to have one favorite, but there has to be water….

    1. Kate: One of my favorite places is the central coast of California. We lived there for several years. Watching ocean waves is mesmerizing.

  4. I'm a water person too. Going to the beach is my favorite place in nature. The sounds of the waves wash away all my cares and worries.

    Next runner up, lakes, and then rivers. But as Kate Larkindale commented, there has to be water.

    1. Trudy, I love the water too. And the trees. I like quiet isolated beaches.

  5. Gorgeous spot! I like the beach here on the coast in NC - even if it's not out in nature.
