
Friday, April 17, 2015

N is for Native Americans

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

I am a Cherokee descendant and my ancestors came to Oklahoma Territory in the 1830s on the Trail of Tears. Most of my family on my mother's side still live in Oklahoma. I've lived in Wyoming since 1972. I was 15 at the time and not really interested in Native America culture. Since then, I've had a desire to learn about my family history. I am proud to be from the Cherokee tribe. Here in Wyoming, the Wind River Indian Reservation is shared by the Northern Arapaho and the Eastern Shoshone.

Who are your descendants?


  1. My husband is part Cherokee as well. Recently, my girls have taken a big interest in the culture and history of the Cherokee. My little one even learned how to speak some of the language, and my oldest learned some authentic recipes and tried them out. I'm all for celebrating that side of their heritage!!

  2. Jaybird, that's very cool. So much to learn about Native American history.

  3. My ancestors are Scottish on my mom's side and English on my dad's side. A few months ago I was looking at my dad's genealogy and it's almost completely English. Even ancestors who married in America, married someone from England. I thought, "Wow, mom's lucky dad took a shine to her, a Scottish lass."

  4. Trudy that's a great story. Must be something special about Scottudh girls.

  5. I apparently have a smidge of Native American blood - with much more coming from the English and Scottish countrysides.
