
Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Trouble with Small Town Theatres

So the nominations for the Golden Globes have been announced (The Artist, The Help, The Descendants, Moneyball and Midnight in Paris) and only one of the films ever made it to our theatre here in Cheyenne, Wyoming -- The Help.

That means I have to keep my fingers crossed that they might show up later. Or else I'm stuck watching them on DVD. As an avid movie-goer, I much prefer watching movies at the cinema. It's my thing.

Other films that I'm very interested in seeing but have not come to our theatres is 50/50 (a comedy about cancer diagnosis - not sure how that plays as a comedy) and My Week with Marilyn (gotta check out Michelle Williams "Marilyn" impersonation).

Nevertheless, small theatres have a lot going for them. Here in Cheyenne we have a 9-plex, a 12-plex and an historic downtown cinema with only one screen that plays current releases at later dates and offers a discount. The 12-plex is my favorite. It's a newer building with comfortable seating and fairly large theatres. Hubby and I always sit in the back row on the right hand side.

It's interesting to see the audience demographic for some of the movies. At "Twilight: Breaking Dawn" the place was packed, but "The Ides of March" was sparsely populated with older couples. Hubby and I fit right in. 

As for the concessions, I always get a small unbuttered popcorn and small Pepsi. DELICIOUS!


  1. I like that you guys have some movie rituals. I used to, but have let most of them go - I see far fewer films in the theater than I used to, for one. I understand about a smaller city and fewer choices - we have that problem here too. We do have an art film program called Cinematheque or something like that which brings art house and older films to our historic Thalian Hall downtown. Maybe you could - with your copious spare time ;) - get something like that started in your town - spearhead getting a committee of fans together, then turn it over to them and drop out as a committee member - of course, if you stay on the board you can influence which films they bring in...mmmmm...power....

  2. Craig: I forgot to mention we do have a cinema program here in town. The historic Lincoln Theatre downtown shows films that never appear in theatres, films that have appeared at Cannes or Sundance, and select foreign films.

    Spare time? What's that?
