
Friday, December 16, 2011

"Coming Attractions"

Here's my contest entry for the Database Security Video Smackdown. It's called "Coming Attractions" and is a movie trailer parody. Although we didn't win the contest, we had a blast making the commercial. Click here to see winner.
We were inspired by Hitchcock. North by Northwest is apparent in the theme of mistaken identity and we shot our version of the crop duster scene and the climbing Mt. Rushmore scene. We also included the names of Hitchcock characters: Rupert - from Rope, Thorwald - from Rear Window, Bruno - from Strangers on a Train, and Crane - from Psycho.

I couldn't help adding lines from Hitch's movies as well:

"A murderer would never parade his crime in front of an open window" (Rear Window)

"I admire people who do things. (Strangers on a Train)


  1. Luana, this is awesome! I can tell you put a lot of work into this. Your cast is very talented. Nice job!

  2. I'm a fan of Hitchcock and this is fantastic. Liked the way you captured the classic crop duster scene in North by Northwest. You should have won...this was better than the winning video.

  3. I definitely liked it. Luana, you really have a gift.

  4. Zelda; Thanks for the kudos. It was a lot of hard work but so worthwhile.

  5. Scott: I'm a Hitch fan, too, as you can probably tell. Just wish we had more than two minutes...

  6. Paul: Thanks! Your voice over was FANTASTIC! You made it sound like a real movie trailer. Everyone did a fantastic job. We're a great team.

  7. Luana - I'm sorry you didn't win - this is a lot of fun - obviously crafted by a true fan of The Master of Suspense. Your lead is well cast - with echoes of Stewart and Grant; the rest of the cast is good; spiffy references to Hitch's movies; and a good voice narrating. My fave shot was the one where the leads were silhouetted against the blinds - fantastic!

  8. Craig: Chalk it up as another learning experience. The window shot was not planned ahead of time. The light just happened to be right when we shot the office scenes. I'm very proud of the cast. Everyone was amazing. Thanks for the encouragement.
