
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Learning Curve

What I've learned about making movies since my journey began this summer:

1) Plan everything before the shoot so that there are as few surprises as possible.

2) Scout locations so you can plan your shots and angles. A real time saver!

3) Create a story board. Drawing each scene and creating the sequence of events helps to see how the movie will flow.

4) Make a shot list.

5) Be flexible. Go with the flow and be open to new ideas that might jump out at you during the shoot.

6) Be creative. Look for interesting ways to present visual motifs and create artistic compositions in the shots.

7) Be thoughtful of everyone involved with the project. Their time is important. Especially if they're doing it for free.

8) Be easy to work with, calm and peaceful. It's just a movie. Get over it. Make the project enjoyable for everyone

9) Keep a folder for everything related to the project (shot lists, releases, scripts, notes, budget, etc.)

10) Think visually. As a writer, I have to purposely edit myself on dialog. Tell the story with as few words as possible. Make every word count.

11) Listen to the actors and others on set and consider their ideas for character, scenes, etc. Don't shut them out of the process. Making movies is a collaborative endeavor. Work together to create a masterpiece.

12) Look for inspiration all around you. Be observant. Notice details. People. Places.

13) Take time to learn everything about your editing suite.

14) Tell a great story.

15) Give "Thank You" cards when it's over.

I've also learned that for some reason, all my movies feature some kind of weird, supernatural theme. I haven't figured out why. The jury's still out.


  1. Oh wow - Luana - if every film and television director would work off your list - there'd be a lot more interesting projects to watch - and much happier casts and crews making them! Terrific!

  2. Craig: Thanks. I'm sure my list will grow as I gain more experience.
