
Friday, October 21, 2011

Catching Up with Woody Allen

I've been a Woody Allen fan since I read "Getting Even" in high school.

QUOTE: I was unable to get a date on only six weeks' notice.

I eventually read everything he ever wrote and saw almost every movie he's ever made. I love his style of humor and comedy.

The first Woody Allen movie I ever saw was Play It Again, Sam, which was the subject of a paper I wrote for a film class in college. I analyzed this movie inside and out and got an "A." Yay, me!

Then Annie Hall showed up and I was hooked for life.

My favorites:
Play It Again, Sam
Annie Hall
The Purple Rose of Cairo
Hannah and Her Sisters
Crimes and Misdemeanors
Husbands and Wives
Manhattan Murder Mystery
Bullets Over Broadway
Match Point

Anyhow, my goal is to watch all of Woody Allen's films. I've only missed two, which I plan on watching this week:
1) You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger

2) Whatever Works

And I can't wait to see his latest Midnight in Paris which received rave reviews. Sadly, it never played at our local theatres.


  1. I was taken by my parents to see Play It Again Sam in its theatrical run - once again, I don't have many babysitter memories - I was 5, so I kinda knew there was that one guy from the old movies on TV - Bogart in my mind, not really Bogart in the movie - and that was the extent of my Woody Allen experiences until the early 1990's. I became friends with a guy who was a nut for and owned every WA movie - just as I was nuts for and owned every James Bond movie. We set up a tradeoff - we started trading the watching of these movies - working our way chronologically through the Allen and 007 catalogs - we'd watch some Woody one evening, then a couple of nights later a Bond. Then back to Woody, and so on. We'd worked our way up to Purple Rose of Cairo before the deal petered out for some reason. I had thoroughly enjoyed everything up to that point though - Annie Hall being my favorite. I somehow have never gone back to pick up the remaining movies for a watch - maybe that will be my 2012 arc - catching up with Woody Allen myself! Great idea! Thanks for letting me steal it! ;)

  2. Craig: Steal away! What a fascinating story and a great idea. I've seen most of the James Bond flicks. I LOVE Bond although I'm partial to Sean Connery's version. I think I'll start catching up with Bond.

  3. My favorite is Manhattan. The black and white images were beautiful and Gershwin's score in the opening sent chills up my spine. Good luck catching up!

