
Friday, June 9, 2017

Audrey Hepburn in Burlap

I became a fan of Audrey Hepburn when she appeared in My Fair Lady (1964). I didn't see the film when it was first released (I was only 7 years old then), but it played at our local cinema in 1971 when I was 14 - and at that age Audrey Hepburn made a lasting impression on me. 

The film was spectacular - glorious setting, costumes, music. I was mesmerized. So what if Audrey didn't actually sing. She lip-synced beautifully. It was magical. As a result, Audrey charmed herself into my heart wherein she still resides (forgive my flowery language, I've just finished reading Jane Eyre). 

Over the years I'd seen her more popular films, Roman Holiday (1953) with Gregory Peck, Sabrina (1954) with Humphrey Bogart, and of course Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) - her signature film.

In each of these films it was a delight watching her. She's not the best actress, but the camera loves her. She is a fashion icon and always appeared elegant and stylish. I had always thought, "Audrey Hepburn is so stunning, she would look beautiful in a burlap sack!" 

Little did I know that she actually appeared in a film wearing a burlap sack! The film was Green Mansions (1959) with Anthony Perkins. Audrey plays the part of Rima, a beautiful, mysterious girl that lives in the jungles of Venezuela. And she wears the same hideous burlap sack through out the film. 

I don't know why anyone would think this was a good role for Audrey. People want to see her in beautiful clothes, acting pert and complicated and spunky. Not slithering around in a burlap sack wearing a long-haired wig. 

As for the film itself, it is the absolute worst on every level. Fake sets, boring script, lame plot. Audrey is not the best actor, so she had absolutely nothing to work with to make it even the slightest bit interesting. The only good thing about it was seeing Anthony Perkins, who did a fairly good job. But every time I saw him on screen I thought, "Norman Bates in the jungle."

So glad Audrey didn't do another burlap sack movie!

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