
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Episode 5 - Actors

Sometimes when I write a film script, I have certain actors in mind. These are people that I know and have worked with before. So my story is built around my cast.

Other times, the story comes first and I don't think about the actors at all. But sooner or later, I will have to deal with casting.

If you are paying actors, then you could have auditions and can be more selective. But if your actors are volunteers, then you have other issues to deal with. Volunteers have commitments, such as jobs and families, so you have to work around their schedules. You will have to be flexible on days you can film. If they aren't professional, you may have to work with them on learning their lines, etc.

Here are some tips about working with actors on your short film:

Communication. Let the actors know what the story is about and what motivates their characters. Knowledge is a good thing. It also inspires them to think of ideas to enhance the story and their roles. Film is a collaborative effort after all.

Be flexible. Some actors like to go over a scene several times with different ways of performing the scene. You never know what can come from this - it could be truly magical.

Listen to the actors. They may have good ideas for shooting a scene or saying their lines.

Bring food. Feed them, water them, and watch them flourish. This is especially important if the actors are volunteers. It's a great way to show your thanks.

Be mindful of their personalities. Some actors need a lot of detailed direction. Others can fly by the seat of their pants with amazing results.

Be respectful.

Be thankful. Afterward, send them a card of thanks or a token of appreciation.

Build relationships. Having a group of actors that you have worked with before makes the process more efficient because you know what to expect. They are more relaxed because they know what to expect from you.

If you are not an actor yourself, take some acting classes. It will help you as a director and a filmmaker. 

Next time - Post Production

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