
Thursday, June 16, 2016

TV Dads

In honor of Father's Day, I would like to give a "shout out" to all the wonderful TV Dads from my childhood.  These dads were pretty amazing. They dealt with problems big and small. But most of all, these dads loved their kids, no matter what.

Happy Father's Day!

Jim and Kathy
Father Knows Best (1954-1960)
Jim Anderson played by Robert Young
KIDS: Betty, Bud and Kathy

Ward and Wally
Leave it to Beaver (1957-1963)
Ward Cleaver played by Hugh Beaumont 
KIDS: Wally and Theodore "Beaver"

Mark and Lucas
The Rifleman (1958-1963)
Lucas McCain played by Chuck Connors 
Lucas's job: Rancher
KID: Mark

Little Joe and Ben
Bonanza (1959-1973)
Ben Cartwright played by Lorne Greene
Ben's job: Rancher
KIDS: Adam, Hoss and Little Joe

Andy and Opie
The Andy Griffith Show (1960-1968)
Andy Taylor played by Andy Griffith
Andy's job: Sheriff
KID: Opie

Steve and Chip
My Three Sons (1960-1972)
Steve Douglas played by Fred MacMurray 1960-1972
Steve's job: Aeronautical Engineer
KIDS: Mike, Robbie, Chip and Ernie

Mike with kids 
The Brady Bunch (1969-1974)
Mike's job: Architect
Mike Brady played by Robert Reed
KIDS Greg, Marcia, Peter, Jan, Bobby and Cindy

Who are you favorite TV dads?

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