
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Z is for Zoptic Special Effects

It's April and that means the A to Z Blogging Challenge!
This year my theme is film terms.

Zoptic special effects is a revolutionary special effects, 3-D process invented by cameraman Zorian Perisic, incorporating a camera system and a projector with synchronized zoom lenses to create the illusion of movement in depth. One example is Superman (1978) in which a projected background scene remains constant while the camera zooms in on the foreground subject to give the appearance of Superman flying.


  1. Great theme! And fantastic topic for Z. If I had learned about Zoptic special effects (in school), I must have forgotten it... the term did not seem familiar to me.

    (I love that particular Superman film!)

    Congrats on reaching the end of the challenge! (How did you do that while working on your own film?)

    1. Trudy, I didn't know about Zoptic SFX until I found it on a cinematic terms website. But I needed a Z word for the challenge and didn't want to do Zoom shot. I scheduled my posts so they were written ahead of time. That's the only way I could do this challenge. Congrats on completing it. I loved your theme!

  2. Cool! I always just assumed he was in front of a big green screen and they animated the rest!

    1. Stephanie, I thought the same thing. It seems pretty complicated though.

  3. That's an interesting Z word, the cameraman who invented it even has a Z name!

    It was great to meet you through the A to Z and congrats on completing the Challenge!

    1. Elizabeth, congrats to you as well. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. now that the race is over i can read your earlier posts at leisure, thanks for stopping by on my blog

    1. i b arora, congrats on finishing. Best wishes to you.
