
Friday, February 12, 2016

My Quirky Valentine

One word I would you use to describe my wonderful hubby of 39 years is Quirky.

The dictionary definition of quirky is "characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits." Synonyms include eccentric, idiosyncratic, unconventional, unorthodox, unusual, strange, bizarre, peculiar, odd, outlandish, zany.

Yep, that's hubby.

You might be asking yourself, "Just how quirky is he?"

Lately he's been wearing bizarre bright green sneakers. He gets odd looks. I'm getting used to it.

We decide to go to Tortilla Factory for dinner and then he changes his mind and wants to go to Olive Garden and then he changes his mind and wants to go to Ruby Tuesday and then he changes his mind and wants to go to Tortilla Factory after all.

He DVR's Alaska wilderness shows and Hallmark romance movies.

His latest episode of quirkiness was inspired by the movie You've Got Mail. We both love the movie and watched it again a few days ago. Now he's quoting a line from the movie. He looks me in the eyes and with a dramatic flair, proclaims, "I just can't help myself!" It's a line that Frank (Greg Kinnear) says when he's talking about the news anchor lady on TV.

Hubby says it when he makes coffee, when he eats pistachios, and when he kisses me good morning.

He's my Valentine!


  1. Your husband sounds like quite a character!

  2. Your husband sounds like quite a character!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. (For some reason it didn't link up, so I deleted it and re-posted.)

  4. What a wonderful Valentine post! My husband of 36 years (I had to use a calculator for that… I'm the one who forgets; he remembers), isn't what I would call quirky, but I had to chuckle when I saw he has similar DVR taste. He, too, records Alaska survival shows and Hallmark romance movies. (Oh, and he hasn't missed an episode of Downton Abbey.)

  5. Oh, Trudy! Hubby loves Downton Abbey, too! LOL!
