
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Day 3 of Hustle - How?

It's Day 3 of the 30 Days of Hustle Challenge and the question for the day is HOW?

The WHAT is write a play for the Tiny Play contest.

The WHY is because I want to use my writing to inspire and bless others and because I love to tell stories.

So HOW am I going to do this?
1. Work on the play for 30 minutes a day (minimum).
2. Think about the story I want to tell. Research the Kennedy legacy, which is the theme of the contest.
4. Post inspiring images and quotes about this project on my bulletin board in my work space and create a Pinterest board called "Tiny Play Project."
3. Pray - as a writer, this is key. God is behind all that I set my hand to because He is my life and the author of all creativity and wisdom. Thank you, Jesus.

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