
Monday, April 27, 2015

W is for Wolves

Welcome to the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge! Each day for the month of April I will be posting alphabetically from A to Z and my theme is Wyoming.

The Gray Wolf is a controversial subject in Wyoming. In 2012, they were removed from the listed of Threatened or Endangered Species. However, in 2014, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service restored protections of the wolves, even though they are no longer listed as "threatened or endangered." Some Wyomingites are against the wolves because they kill farm animals and pets. Others are for the protection and preservation of the species.

What are recent controversies in your state?


  1. I can't think of any controversies here along these lines but I think wolves are such gorgeous animals. I love the photo on the left.

  2. I'm really confused about the status of Canada Geese in Canada. They are technically protected, but they are basically vermin - they exist in SWARMS all over southern Ontario and can pick fields clean and leave parks a disgusting mess. You can hunt them under normal hunting rules at certain times of year. You can also get special permits to clear them off your property if they cause damage. But those rules seem to be superseded by local by-laws, because here in Ottawa (the nation's capital) it is expressly forbidden from killing Canada Geese in any way (something about killing the symbol of our country I guess). That doesn't stop the geese from being huge pests, though...

    Anyway, not a big controversy, but animal-related. Living in a political town, I could regale with lots of other silly (and scary) controversies of other kinds...

    1. CD, I know what you mean about the geese. We have them here as well. They are beautiful but they are also pests. I guess you could say we have a love-hate relationship with them.

  3. That's a tough call. They are a part of nature, and only doing what comes naturally. But man needs space to live in, with some measure of safety. I'm glad I don't have to be part of the decisions here.

    1. Craig, that's the think about controversies.You can see both sides of the argument. Tough call.
