
Monday, June 2, 2014

Cheyenne Horror Film Festival 2014

We finally have most of the details worked out for the Cheyenne Horror Film Fest. The website is up and running.

Deadline for entries is September 1, 2014 and the winning entries will be screened at Cheyenne Zombie Fest the weekend of September 20 (exact time and date to be announced).

We are looking for horror films, both short and feature length. They can be funny, serious, freakish, slasher, or whatever.

Pass the word along to your filmmaking friends!


  1. I wish you the best of luck with the festival - there's one I have nothing to do with called Lights Out that would be awesome for you guys to screen if you could contact the filmmaker(s).

  2. Craig, I saw Lights Out! It is amazing. Such a simple story but absolutely terrifying.
