
Saturday, April 27, 2013

X is for X-ray

Welcome to the 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge! 
 Memorable Movie Props

The Fugitive (1993)

Harrison Ford disguises himself as a hospital janitor in his search for the one-armed man. Pursued by the tenacious Tommy Lee Jones, Harrison takes the time to save a boy's life by looking at his chest x-ray and sending him to the surgical unit. Thank you, doctor!

Can you share a story about human kindness?


  1. Replies
    1. Bames: Me, too. One of my faves. I never get tired of this movie. The train crash scene is a cinematic marvel!

  2. I used to see a lot of human kindness at Grateful Dead shows. I passed out from heat stroke at the Philly show in summer of 89 and many Deadheads stopped to offer me ice and cool drinks, and to just hold my hand and offer some encouraging words till Rock Med showed up to check me out.

    1. JoJo: That's awesome. You never know who will step up to the plate to lend a helping hand.

  3. Many years ago, I was crossing the street in the financial district in San Francisco when my ankle suddenly collapsed on itself and I fell to the street. The guy next to me quickly hauled me up and escorted me to the curb, then walked away after I said I was fine. :-)

    Don't be a Hippie
    Take 25 to Hollister

  4. Great movie - funny fact - the train crash is SUPPOSED to be taking place where I grew up - Southern Illinois - about a half hour/hour south of my hometown. But the sequence was shot here in the mountains of North Carolina - about 8 hours drive from where I sit. Then, when they did the sequel - US Marshals - the plane crashes in Indiana - (I think) - but they actually shot it in Southern Illinois - very near where the train was supposed to have hit the bus! Wild, huh?

    1. Craig, that IS wild! You are a virtual book of movie knowledge! Hee hee. Movies are so magical...I'm such a movie freak/geek. That scene was the PERFECT crash scene ever recorded on film, imo. I heard that it was a one shot deal. No retakes. They nailed it!

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