
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

H is for Hat

Welcome to the 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge! 
 Memorable Movie Props

Young Frankenstein (1974)

Peter Boyle and Gene Wilder perform "Puttin' on the Ritz" at the Monster's debut. Who knew that Dr. Frankenstein was a song and dance man? He missed his calling. 

Have you ever had dance lessons?


  1. Nope no dance lessons but I do like cowboy hats.

    1. Hi, Teresa: I actually collect hats. I have all kinds. I'm an actor and have a bunch of costumes, hat and props. One of my favorite hats is a Viking helmet. My goal is to acquire the Harry Potter sorting hat.

  2. I have not, as anyone who has seen me dancing is very well aware. Love the "Puh-in awn da Rizz!!!" number (to try a Peter Boyle impression in printed words) that movie! Saw it in the theater as a wee lad,

    1. Our town featured this film at our Movie Night theatre fundraiser. We show one movie per month. It was so cool seeing it on the big screen!

  3. I took ballet as a young girl. But when I got cramp in my big toe all the time, I called it quits.
    A - Z Challenge

  4. Francine: How cool to have taken ballet lessons. I love dancing, but have never had lessons. I do have a NYC Ballet workout video that is cool. I also free style in my living room. I am going to teach my 8 year old granddaughter how to do the twist when she comes out to visit.

  5. I love dancing, and just started a swing class. Yay!
    Fun reminder about the song and dance number in "Young Frankenstein."

  6. Joy: Swing is the best. Love those big band songs.

  7. I took belly dance lessons a few years ago but never had any dance lessons while growing up, with the exception of square dancing during phys ed classes.

    1. I remember square dancing at school, too. It was great because we could wear our regular clothes and not have to put on our uniforms and take showers!

  8. I would love to be able to dance properly. I had a couple of dance lessons as a little girl but never kept it up. Then as a teenager my friends and I decided to do a tap class but just the one as we didn't fancy paying out for more :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog The Tales of Me

    Kate :)

    1. I would have loved dance lessons, too. Just never had the opportunity or the time. Tap is awesome! I love watching the famous tappers from the movies like Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor.

  9. Yes. And this is cringeworthy too: I took disco dance lessons in 1979 with a friend of mine. I was in 9th grade.

    1. Disco! Yep, back in the day, I had the record album (LP) of Saturday Night Fever and danced around the house. I loved "Disco Inferno"!
