
Friday, April 5, 2013

E is for Eyeglasses

Welcome to the 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge! 
 Memorable Movie Props

Something's Gotta Give (2003)

Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton fall in love. During their courtship, they accidentally switch eyeglasses - and a few months later they trade them back at a restaurant in Paris. True romance.

Do you wear glasses? Are you hard core enough for bifocals? Trifocals?


  1. I do wear glasses, but not on the computer, just for everything else!! I do notice the actors that wear glasses, and I think because they are always exaggerated type you will notice them about that character. Great post.

    1. I wear glasses as well. Ever since I was in my mid-20s. At first for reading, and now all the time. For me, I'm not a fan of contacts. Glasses can be pretty stylish. I have a couple of different styles and switch them up when I'm in the mood. I don't wear them when I work out or when I'm on stage. Thanks for stopping by Sandy. Cheers!

  2. Thanks for looking in on my blog. I thought I'd return the visit. What a great idea for the challenge – really random – I like that. I wear varifocals. I can't be doing with having lots of pairs for different things.

    1. Sally: The blog challenge is a blast. I enjoy reading the blogs and getting to know new bloggers. Thanks for visiting!

  3. That was a great movie. Good choice for E.
    I have to wear readers for anything up close. I suppose I could go get bifocals but I prefer to just keep my glasses on top of my head. They serve as a head band to keep my hair out of my eyes. Plus I always know where to find them.

    Thanks for stopping by A Devotional Mosaic, Luana
    Enjoy the rest of the A-Z looks like you are off to a great start.

    Margot atA Devotional Mosaic

    1. Hi, Margot: I have prescription glasses with bifocal. Whatever. LOL. Have fun with the challenge! Cheers.

  4. Hi Luana! Great to meet you! Love your A-Z theme!

    I wear glasses only for the computer to block the glare. :D

  5. PK - So glad you stopped by today. Have fun with challenge!

  6. Great theme. I didn't brave the A to Z this year. If I start now, I may be ready for next year. I wear progressive lenses - they drive me nuts.

    1. Leslie: So glad you stopped by! What are progressive lenses?

  7. I hardly wear mine because I hate the way they look on me :(

    1. Laura: There are a lot of nice styles out there. Even designer ones!

  8. I do like your little but on 'memorable movie props, it makes me laugh but I have not seen any of the films you have blogged about unfortunately! I am such a let down!

    1. Hi, Catherine: I've been watching movies and TV since I was little. Hopefully you'll be able to watch some of the movies on my blog. They are pretty amazing. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I do wear lenses - but contacts - and they're the newest thing - multifocal - which gives me bifocal like two tonw ability to see - without doing anything but focusing on something near or far.

  10. Craig: Never heard of multifocal...maybe that's why you have such a unique way of "looking" at movies. :-)

  11. Eventually styling will hide what they are outwardly and plenty of people will want to adopt them at that point Find A to Z information regarding all varieties of glasses for low prices @
