
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tribute to Christoph Waltz

Dr. King Schultz in Django Unchained.

So guess who's nominated for an Academy Award this month? Yep, it's Christoph Waltz who played the memorable dentist/bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz in Django Unchained (2012). He is up for the Best Supporting Actor award and my guess is that he will win. Just sayin'.

I did a little digging and learned a bit about our Austrian/German friend. Born October 4, 1956 in Vienna, Austria, Waltz came from a theatrical family and studied theatre in Vienna. He'd appeared in numerous films (mostly German) before Quentin Tarantino enlisted him to play Nazi officer Colonel Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds (2009). He won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and hit the big time.

Colonel Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds.

Waltz was a busy man in 2011 and made four films:  

Russian mobster Benjamin Chudnofsky in The Green Hornet.

Circus Master August Rosenbluth in Water for Elephants.

Cardinal Richelieu in The Three Musketeers.

Alan Cowan in Carnage. 

So what's new for Herr Waltz? In 2013 he will appear in a 3D animated film called Epic, based on a children's book by William Joyce. He performs the voice of Mandrake, leader of the Boggans. Other voices in the film include Amanda Seyfried, Colin Farrell and Beyonce.

This year he will also be featured in the starring role in The Zero Theorem, a science fiction flick in which he plays Qohen Leth, an "eccentric, reclusive computer genius who lives in an Orwellian corporate world and suffers from existential angst." I gotta say, this sounds like a very interesting character, no?


Colonel Hans Landa: I love rumors! Facts can be so misleading.

Benjamin Chudnofsky: You said I'm boring. My gun has two barrels. That's not boring.

August Rosenbluth: Any living creature needs to know who is in charge.

Cardinal Richelieu: You object to losing your head?

Alan Cowan: Mrs. Longstreet, our son is a maniac!

Dr. King Schulz: How do you like the bounty hunting business?

Auf weidersehen, ya'll!


  1. Craig: Absolutely! I'm looking forward to seeing his new flicks. Call me spell-bound.
