
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Home Stretch

My movie, The Newsboy, is in its final week before the shoot on Saturday. This will be my first ever entry for the Wyoming Short Film contest.

I've made several short films since my first in the summer of 2011 and it never ceases to amaze how much work goes into a short!

There are lot of "firsts" for me in this movie, such as:

Silent movie mostly black and white
Largest cast
Several  location releases
Several production assistants
Period costumes
Use of  photographs from the Wyoming State Archives
Music licensing
Working with kids
Working with a dog

With this movie I'm adding a whole lot of  "experience" notches in my filmmaking belt.


  1. You sure are! Most important though - are you having fun?

  2. Looking forward to seeing this short!

  3. Craig: Yes, actually. I AM having fun. I'm not freaking out like I have been in the past. Much more relaxed and just going with the flow.

  4. Judy: Me, too. I had the whole movie finished in my head before I even started. One of the exciting things about making movies is the unexpected turns that take place on the day of the shoot. Can't wait to see what happens.

  5. Paul: Thanks! And Divine Intervention.
