
Monday, February 6, 2012

Movie Music Monday: O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Blue grass came back in style when this movie hit the big time. All the songs on the soundtrack are fabulous. Sit back and enjoy!


  1. This is one of my wife's favorite movies - she owns it, which is a big deal, because she only owns four movies. I love it a lot too - and the music is a huge part of why. It doesn't hurt that it's also just a danged funny movie at the end of the day. Great post, Ms. K!

  2. Craig: I only buy movies that I know I will watch over and over again (Hitchcock & Woody Allen flicks, certain romcoms, comedies and classics). Your wife only owns four movies? Hmmm...that gives me an idea for a post...

  3. I love this movie! It's got the Coen brothers flavor through and through. I'm a fan.

  4. George Clooney was really goofy in this movie. Not his usual debonaire self. Although he was the Pretty Boy of the three. Love the music.

  5. Mitch: I'm not a fan of all Coen Brothers flicks, but I did like this one and Barton Fink.

  6. Zelda: I have a love/hate relationship with George. I used to absolutely LOVE him...but over the years, he's appeal has waned. I saw him the other day on Inside the Actor's Studio and that smirky smile made me want to slap him.
