
Friday, February 10, 2012

2012 Academy Awards Nominees for Best Picture

If you've been stranded on that deserted island for the past few weeks, you may have missed the big announcement for the 2012 nominees for the Academy Awards. Check it out:

The Artist (Black and white silent movie -- totally out of the box amazing!)

The Descendants (George Clooney family flick)

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (Tom Hanks tear jerker)

The Help (Penetrating story of racism among black housekeepers in the 1960s south)

Hugo (Scorsese's foray into 3D)

Midnight in Paris (Time travel to 1920s Paris)

Moneyball (True story of Billy Beane and the Oakland A's winning season)

The Tree of Life (Brad Pitt family drama)

War Horse (Spielberg's serious contender)

I've only seen four of the nominees (The Artist, The Help, Midnight in Paris and Moneyball). All are excellent and deserve their place in the line up. Of the four, I'm rooting for Midnight in Paris (Woody Allen is BACK with a VENGEANCE!)

I can't really make an informed decision base on movie trailers, but The Tree of Life looks AMAZING!

So have you seen any of the nominated films? If so, which is your favorite?


  1. I haven't seen any of them - I don't spend the money for a theatrical viewing of a "talking heads" movie - the kind of quiet drama the Academy loves. My super TV and home setup handle those kinds of movies just fine. I would have liked to see Hugo, but I just never made it out to see it. Having no real opinion, I'll throw in with you then - Midnight in Paris FTW!

  2. Craig: I'll take it! I've really understood how ONE film can be chose for best picture. It's like comparing apples and oranges. I'm not big on awards shows anyway. However, I do like the Oscars because you can see clips from movies that you would never see at the theatre on on TV (categories like short films, animation, documentaries, etc.) I've been disappointed in winners from previous years, especially in 1999. How in the world did American Beauty beat The Green Mile, The Sixth Sense and The Insider?
