
Monday, December 5, 2011

Movie Music Monday: Eye of the Tiger

I couldn't resist. I just had to create a special day of the week to pay tribute to the great movie music of all time. My first choice for Movie Music Mondays is "Eye of the Tiger" by the band Survivor. The song was written at the request of Sylvester Stallone to be the theme for Rocky III (1982).

This video introduces the movie in a dramatic montage that takes up where Rocky II left off. Without one word of dialog, we see Rocky defending his title, his leap from a poor, Philadelphia contender to fame and fortune as the Heavy Weight Champion of the World. We see his love for his wife and son. All his dreams have come true. Meanwhile, Clubber Lang is training hard, demanding to fight Rocky and gain the title. We also see a nervous Mickey who knows how tough Clubber is. This is how you use visuals alone to tell a story. And the music carries the punch. No pun intended.


  1. GREAT song - one of the best to do any kind of workout or physical labor to...perfect first choice!

  2. Craig: So true! When I'm listening to this song I notice I run a little faster on the elliptical and have the strength to really push myself! It's an inspirational song on many other levels as well.
