
Friday, September 9, 2011

Bear Switch Cast/Crew Meeting

Tomorrow is our first cast/crew meeting for The Bear Switch Project. I'm very excited to hear the actors read their lines and for all of us to discuss the logistics of putting this show together. Susan has created amazing props and I've been working on getting the shot list and story board together.

We need to get the participation and location releases signed, work out the details of the locations and sets and most importantly, time the script so we don't run over seven minutes (including titles and credits).

Go "Bear Switch" Team!


  1. Fantastic prep! I always enjoyed pre-production; hearing the actors read my lines, working out the logistics, and just generally watching the project come together. I fervently feel that productions can be made or or, made or the preproduction phase. I'm enjoying working my way through the blog and you guys work your way to production!

  2. Craig: I know what you mean. It's great to see everyone excited about the movie and offering their ideas. We have a great team.
