
Saturday, April 8, 2017

Binge Watching and Other Random Thoughts

Binge watching has become a thing. Who would have believed something like this could be possible...watching a TV show that typically would have taken years to watch on "regular" TV and now you can see entire seasons in a matter of weeks (or even days). 

Back in the 80s when we got our first VCR, it was mind-blowing thinking that you could watch almost any movie you wanted whenever you wanted. 

Special effects on TV shows have become equal in quality to feature films and are more cinematic than ever. 

This TV evolution is somehow effecting society, but I can't put my finger on exactly how. It seems that attention spans are getting shorter and shorter...people want what they want right NOW! There is no this attitude leaking into other areas of life? 

Perhaps this "computer age" is triggering a retro movement. People want to create things with their hands, they want to read a real book, write on real paper, build real things, unplug from the Matrix. I have seen it both ways, and while I enjoy the high-tech life, I'm finding that I'm deriving more pleasure from the simple things.  

I'm checking out books at the library instead of downloading a book on my Kindle. I'm drawing with paper and pens rather than creating on an ipad. I'm even watching the old movies, which lately are better by far than anything coming out today in the movie theatre.

One good thing about the tech age we live in - anyone can be a filmmaker. With a computer and a video camera (or even a cell phone), films can be made and there is an audience. The power now belongs to the people, not just the filmmaking elite. That is a good thing.